$20 PER ARTWORK ($15 for Young Emerging Artist*) Entry fees for all works in all categories to be submitted with Entry Form and payment to be received by close of business (5pm) Friday 27th August 2021
NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Entry fees are Non Refundable.
Cheques payable to Bundaberg Arts Festival Association (BAFA)| Direct Deposit to Auswide Bank Australia BSB 645 646, Account Number 106425048, Reference (Artists Initial and Last Name) | Cash payments (no eftpos) to Art Plus 15 Electra Street, Bundaberg.
Up to two pieces of work may be entered in each Section. All works must comply with Section descriptions.
Artworks not to exceed 160 cm in any direction
Arts must be able to be safely carried by two people with a Maximum weight of 15kg (2D works) and 30kg (3Dworks)
All entries must be the unaided work of entrant.
All work must have been completed since October 1st 2019.
No works may have won a first prize at any exhibition.
No explicit material.
Multi panel pieces accepted within size constraints.
Artists may submit a statement on each artwork – maximum 150 words. All entries will be eligible for the overall first prize. Statements must be sent as word document with TITLE of artwork using FONT Times New Roman SIZE 14 to bafapres@gmail.com at the time of entry)
If the artwork requires special display instructions, please submit them with your entry. Requirements such as TV Screens or Monitors etc. should be discussed with the organisers when submitting your entry.
All entries are eligible for the overall first prize
* The Young Emerging Artist Award is open to artists aged under 26 on 31st December 2021 who do not hold an ABN for art purposes. The artwork must be sole work of the entrant and must not be part a collaborative school project.
Sponsorship of $500 or less by a family member or business will not preclude an artist from entering and winning a prize.
All works must be for sale, with the ‘artist price’ nominated on entry form. A commission of 25% will be added to the ‘artist price’ to calculate the ‘sale price’ sales. The Bundaberg Art Prize (ABN 90 281 981 382) is not registered for GST. Payment for sales will be paid to artist at the end of the Art Prize, who will be responsible for their own GST if applicable.
All artworks must be clearly marked on the base of rear with the competitor’s name, phone number, email address, title of work, and section.
All paintings, prints, photographs, and other hanging works must be dry, suitably and safely framed, fitted with D-hooks and strung ready for hanging.
Paintings on stretcher frames will be accepted, on the condition that the staples are at the back.
Reasonable care will be taken in handling artwork however the Bundaberg Art Prize will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever caused to any work while in its custody.
Artists will allow their work to be photographed without fee during the exhibition and the Bundaberg Art Prize reserves the right to reproduce entries for publicity (not limited to, print media, television, online, social media, catalogues) in association with the awards, now and in the future.
Entrants are responsible for their own insurance. Bundaberg Art Prize accepts no responsibility for damage or loss, either during installation, while on display or while in transit.
The judge’s decision is final. The Association will not enter into discussion or correspondence regarding a decision. The Bundaberg Art Prize reserves the right to reject any work submitted, with reasons to be submitted in writing on request. All artworks will be viewed by the judge, but due to space limitations, not all artworks may be displayed
